GST/Rebate Calculator

This calculator will help you to determine what portion of the new home price is comprised of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

The calculator will also indicate if a ‘GST New Housing Rebate’ has been applied to the total price. Please keep in mind that a rebate is only applicable if the home is less than $450,000 and the home will be used as your primary residence.

If it will not be used as your primary residence, then Parkwood Master Builder is required to include the full GST amount in your purchase price, as no rebate would apply.

GST/Rebate Calculator

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.

* Parkwood Master Builder does not guarantee nor warrant the accuracy of any calculations or information provided by the GST/Rebate Calculator. We strongly encourage that you verify all amounts with our sales team and/or financial lender of your choice.

Would you like to talk about options?

Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss options that might be available to you for a new home build.